December 2019 Prophetic Word Reflection and Acceleration
The prophetic words for December 2019, are reflection and acceleration. It’s time to shake off any lingering doubt in yourself. Step into who God made you to be. You are enough!
Others can’t see the hidden gifts God has wrapped up inside you. Finally, now is the time to unwrap the gifts the Father has placed in you. Refuse to let others define you or decide your path.
You Are Enough
In a recent survey, eighty-two percent of millennium women polled believed they are “not good enough.” This “not good enough” lie is straight from the pit of hell. Moreover, the enemy loves to make people feel inadequate and less than. So you are not enough, enrich your self by prophetic word for December.
What Does God’s Words Say?
You matter! God designed you with a purpose.
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.” Genesis 1:27
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Eph. 2:10)
“Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” (Isaiah 43:7)
The above scriptures are true but it’s still easy to get entangled in comparison.
Please Note starting 4-21, monthly prophetic words will be sent directly to my email list only. I’d love to have you!
The Comparison Trap
Bombarded with images of the perfect family, gifts decorations, and food. FB polls scrolling by, are you finished with your—shopping? Decorating? Wrapping? Cookie baking?
Unfortunately, I used to measure myself to society’s yardstick of Christmas.
The Christmas Card Ordeal
Arranging my little kids in Christmassy clothes in front of our tree, creating the “perfect card” seemed like an ordeal. My special needs son disliked having his picture taken and refused to wear the Christmas outfit. None of that detoured me from my quest from the perfect picture. This was before the digital age when the film had to processed. However, I remember sitting in my car at the drugstore parking lot, flipping through one awful photo after another getting angrier by the minute. Knowing another session of family photo chaos was inevitable.
Not Good Enough
By the third unsuccessful night I ended up shrieking at the kids, all I want is one photo, one photo! Looking back, I realized I suffered from thinking I was “not good enough.” Moreover, I tried achieving the “perfect card” since I felt less than perfect. And I was struggling with being a special needs parent, juggling a stressful job and marriage.
Back then I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus, I was striving for unattainable worldly perfection, not knowing I already was made perfect in Him.
“For in him dwells all the fullness of the Deity bodily and you are made perfect in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians 2:9 Sawyer version)
His Peace
Now my family laughs about the previous Christmas cards, we even have pages of “bloopers” in our scrapbook.
I’ve learned to receive peace from Jesus, that he freely offers. The Bible says to seek and pursue peace. Though, the struggles are real, keeping your peace in the middle of stormy relationships, conflicts at home, and the turmoil in the world.
Stinking Thinking
Anger, stress, tears, depression, and anxiety are red flags to step back and evaluate the thoughts running through your mind. Ask God, why are you letting these thoughts steal your peace and joy? You can hear God’s answer in the silence between your thoughts.
“In the silence of the heart God speaks, If you face God is prayer and silence, God will speak to you.” Mother Teresa
His Thoughts
I’m learning to renew my mind to Romans 12:2, through the Good, Acceptable, and Perfect will of God. I remember this verse by the word “G-A-P.” At times there is a gap between my stressed thinking and God’s Biblical way of thinking on what is true, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. I am trying to renew my mind to focus on the good, acceptable, and perfect, many times I fail but by the God’s grace, I am learning each day. And learning about the prophetic word for not only December but also for other months. Read January Prophecy.
1. I’ve learned to be silent to ask God how to respond, rather than react.
2. I’ve learned to let go of my opinions and ask God’s opinion. God’s thoughts are higher than mine.(Isaiah 55.8-9)
3. And I’ve learned to ask God for His wisdom, by asking for access to His higher thoughts, since Christ lives in us, we have access to the mind of Christ.(1 Cor.2:16)
4. I’ve learned God believes the best in people and infuses hope in all circumstances. So I can, too.
5. I’ve learned The Prince of Peace lives inside of you, Christ in you the Hope of Glory. (Col. 1:27)
6. I’ve learned to “to trust Him and believe He will help me.” (Psalm 37.5 italicized mine.
If you are having trouble trusting God see my October word.
Cutting Away
The first part of December, God, will help you cut away things that are no longer working, it might be—
Old hurts
Old ways of thinking
And old thought patterns
Pain from the Past
Letting go of a toxic friend
Introspection, Reflection Acceleration
Unite with the Father, asking for His clarity as you go through the introspection process. After introspection is complete, you will reflect even more of the “Christ in you.” The Lord has a tailor-made spiritual upgrade waiting for you, and to fit through this new level will require leaving that extra baggage/burdens at the foot of the cross. The new wine will not fit in the old wine skin. It’s time to travel light to make room to carry more of THE LIGHT. The more you turn over this excess baggage to Jesus the greater your acceleration into your destiny.
Prophetic Words for December and Prayer
We thank you Father that we are already “good enough” because of Jesus. You chose us as your instruments to work your purposes into this earth. Lord help me let go of any old baggage, remove anything hindering my walk, expose any lie I am believing and show me the things that are not working. Thank you, Lord you are always enough. Thank you for your spiritual upgrade. And thank you for holding my hand as I go through this journey on manifesting Your Will in my life. In Jesus’s name, we pray.
Join the Journey of 63 Hours in Hell
An Biblical Fiction about The Three Days Jesus spent in Hell, released by Abundance Books in March 4 2025.
Great article, just what I needed to go into the new year. I’ve had a hip replacement and a stroke this year which has affected me with many negative thoughts. I love Christ and try to stay in close communion with Him, but still feel a failure at times.
I am sorry you had to go through all that suffering, it’s difficult to see God through the pain, but it sounds like you did! You are a survivor !! I know God does NOT see you as a failure, God’s word says “you are altogether beautiful, my love there is no flaw in you.”(Song of Solomon 4:7). God wants us to think good thoughts, so it seems He is would be thinking wonderful thoughts continually towards YOU. You are worthy!I am praying for your complete healing from all the trauma you went through in 2019. I pray that 2020 will be your turnaround year to good health and the Father’s abundant blessing over you. Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to comment.