Free Prayer Resources
We all need help with prayer, whether it be for marriages, families, personal needs, or praying for our world.
On this page you will find, free prayer resources to simply your spiritual journey.
Free Printable Monthly Prayer Calendars
This is a simple way to keep everyone you know covered in prayer. Prayer the world or select from a variety of topics. Download and check out the variety of free printable calendars.
Discover how and why to pray with prayer calendars.
Free Prayer Journaling Printables
Prayer Journaling prompts are a great way to prayer writing open ups an avenue to speak to God. The ACTS Method -Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication is a fantastic way to pray.
Another excellent way to pray is throughout the day, with morning evening and night prayers will help energize your prayer life.
Click Here to Download the Journaling pages below.
Free Prayer Phone Apps
Pray phone apps are nice because it allow us to be praying wherever we are. Below are a few free phone apps that I have used and found helpful
Pray As You Go has music and beautiful images it’s very relaxing and is about ten minutes
Pray the Word has a simple daily payer your read yourself.
Here are four more additional free phone apps
YouTube Prayer Free Prayer Resources
Another excellent prayer source on YouTube is Give Me 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets. Dutch Sheets intercedes for current events in America but he also provides encouragement and teaching along the way. This is on five days a week, Monday through Friday.
On-Line Free Prayer
CBN have a 24 hour online prayer request line for all of your prayer needs. They also have prayers resources covering a variety of topics.
24 Hour Church is remarkable you can chat, text or email someone 24/7. If you want to pray with someone you can volunteer also. I real like this because if you need someone to talk to you, there is someone that will converse with you
Crossroads is stationed in Canada, they will also pray with you.
Pray with someone right now., will talk to you via phone or chat.
If you need a scriptural based prayer, please contact me, at [email protected]. I’d be happy to pray for you! If you subscribe to any Christian Ministries Blogs, most bloggers would be thrilled to pray for their subscribers all you have to do is hit reply on their news letters. We all need one another to lift each other up in prayer.
Free Prayer Resources Pray for the Nations
Have you ever wondered why you should pray for the nations?
Only in heaven will the effect that prayer has had in speeding the work of world evangelization. We may discover that it was the most power force exerted by the church in making a difference in the world.
Ajith Fernando
Operation World is an amazing not only do you pray over the countries you learn all about each nation as you pray. You can pray along or be part of the prayer times
Intercessors for America is a powerful prayer battling for the heart of this nation.
International Prayer Connect Website, they have an interactive that you can pray around the world for certain needs, which is pretty amazing. They have free resources and paid resources but this site pulls in from many of the world wide ministries.
Final Thoughts
So I hope find these free prayer resources helpful when praying for yourself, loved ones or the nations with different people. If you have favorite free resources please let me know and I will add them to this post.