October 2020 Prophetic Word Prepare to Act
The October 2020 prophetic word is Act. Prepare to act, in your personal life and as a member within the body of Christ. For obvious reasons, 2020 was a year of waiting but now it’s time to act. The Lord highlighted a few events in the Book of Acts comparing them to current events. But first God showed me a vision.
Please note from 4-21 my monthly prophetic words will be given to email subscribers only. I’d love to have you join.
Action Vision
This month’s vision featured a construction crane poised over a filled parking lot. The crane released its bucketful of rocky dirt onto the tightly lined cars below. In the vision, I covered my ears expecting the car’s windows to shatter from the dirt’s weight. But that didn’t happen, the muck gently fell off the cars, gently. No sustainable damage.
For this vision, I believe the cars are representing individuals along with minsters standing shoulder to shoulder in unity by praying. The action of the faithful prayers of the saints standing together are shielding the fiery darts of the enemy along with the unfavorable circumstances.
Another amazing thing is this entire vision took place at a mall named Yorktown. Yorktown represents victory since it’s the name of the place where the British surrendered to George Washington. In that case, I believe God is going to intervene by acting in our personal lives and in the body of Christ. God highlighted the following scripture to go with the vision.
Because of the vision combined with the above scripture, I believe God is saying the enemy may churn the ground beneath you. At the moment things might look bad. But we are under God’s protecting hand and what the enemy meant for evil God’s going to turn circumstances around.
Hostility to Christians
Even though it seems Christians are in the majority in the USA, A pew report states Christianity is declining. Today’s Christians are often met with hostility. From acts of banning Christian posts on fb to being discriminated driving around with pro-life license plates.
Even a Supreme court judge noted the hostility to Christianity with regards to religious symbols in a recent court case. After a splinter decision, the Supreme Court allowed the 40-foot peace memorial peace cross to remain standing.
As Judge Samuel Alito Jr. stated, “A government that roams the land, tearing down monuments with religious symbolism and scrubbing away any reference the divine will strike many as aggressively hostile to religion.”
Recent Persecution
Because of fears of Covid19 spreading through church services, around the world, Christians are being persecuted and some even killed. Some pastors in the USA have been arrested for holding services. Church singing is in jeopardy. Conflicting messages are being presented, People gather at stores and chant at protests but church services are scrutinizing.
Due to recent persecution, it does seem like we are living straight from the pages of the Book of Acts. But the good news is when persecution occurs revival follows! Let’s explore other similarities of the Book of Acts and current events.
Acts of Riots
Two riots are mentioned in the Book of Acts one in Ephesus and in Jerusalem. The riot in Ephesus erupted because of a decrease in revenue of idol statues because of the spread of Christianity. The craftsman incited the riot and the city joined in. The city clerk squashed the riot by basically telling to take your complaint to the court. Book of Acts 19:21
Whereas the second riot in Jerusalem started because Paul taught the grace of Jesus Christ not the law of Moses. As a result of the Jerusalem riot, Paul was arrested by the Roman soldiers and eventually sent to Rome planting the seeds of Christianity along the way.
It has been said that the riots in America of the 1960’s led to the Jesus movement in the 1970’s. Will the next move of God be birthed out of the worldwide riots of 2020? Bob Jones, prophesied about the coming billion soul harvest and predicted the 2020’s will be the rest of God having the faith of God.
Act— Change of Leadership
Honestly, I was nervous when I realized a move of God might require a sudden change of leadership. In the Book of acts, God suddenly removed King Herod by striking him dead. King Herold harassed Christians, mocked God, killed James and imprisoned Peter.
At the start of Rosh Hashanah, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. I don’t want to disparage the Supreme court justice’s death, Ms. Ginsberg’s is an American legend loved by her family and by millions. Another prophet even claimed God told him to pray for the Supreme court justice a week before her death.
God numbers are days on earth and therefore the date of person’s death is significant. Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in the Jewish month called Tishrei, the constellation Libra symbolizing the scales of justice fitting for the Supreme Court Justice.
Ms. Ginsberg passed on 9-18, linking her to the scripture Romans 9:18. “So you see, God chooses to show mercy to some, and he chooses to harden the hearts of others, so they refuse to listen.” The above verse implies, the Lord is ultimately the judge. I’m hoping based on this verse, God will show mercy on America and around the world. I also believe now and throughout 2021 will continue to see changes in leadership.
If you’d like to read more about Rosh Hashana 2020, read my September word.
Here’s the thing is when there is a move of God, God is not only changing leadership but cleansing His house. For example, in the Book of Acts, we have the sudden deaths of Ananias with Sapphira. This is a troubling story since Jesus fulfilled the law, why didn’t God’s grace cover Ananias and Sapphira’s sins of stealing and lying? Some arguments totter between they were or weren’t believers. Possibly. But could Ananias and Sapphira actions considered blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which Jesus states will never be forgiven.” Matthew 12:31
While Peter interrogated Ananias. The disciple asked, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?… You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” Acts 5:3
“Keep back” means to rob and this term is featured in another theft story also resulting in deaths. Another person named, Achan, violated God’s rule by stealing from the spoils of Jericho. In comparing the two incidences the grace of God was extended to Annais and Sapphira since only they died. In contrast to Achan, where his entire family, including his animals, were stoned to death under the law. Even Achan’s possessions were burned. So thankfully under grace, you are not responsible for the sins of your father.
According to JJ Fuller, “in both narratives, an act of deceit interrupts the victorious progress of the people of God.”
The takeaway from these stories is when God is moving, impurities in the church will not be tolerated. Expect more headlines in the news as God continues to cleanse His church.
The following is a list of “acts” the early disciples practiced.
“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal,(through us) and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” Acts 4:29-30. (Emphasis mine.)
After praying this prayer, the house shook, and the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit filled them. And they spoke God’s word with boldness. (Acts 4:31)
Could this boldness prayer be the foundation of the miracles sprinkled throughout the Book of Acts? I’ve never noticed this powerful prayer before, consequently, I’m planning on praying it.
Above all, the early disciples practiced all of the following disciplines.
- First thing to remember they were steadfast in learning about Jesus. (Act 2:42)
- Secondly, they broke bread in communion. (Acts 2:42 and 20.7&11)
- Seeing that they engaged in fellowship & unity. (Acts 2:42)
- Continually praising God.( Act 2:47 3:8, 3:9)
- Gathering Daily (Act 2:46)
- Finding ways to give. (Acts 2:42-45, 4:32-35)
- Engaged in repenting. (Acts 2:38, 3:19 5:31, 8:22 11:18 17:30 20:21& 26:20)
- Witnessed to the Resurrection of Jesus, as well. (Acts 1:22, 2:31, 4:2, 4:33,11:18,13.33,18:8,17:32, 24:15, 24:21,26:7, 26:33)
- Notwithstanding they continually fasted. (Acts 13:2 27:33)
- Constantly prayed. (Mentioned 14 times in Acts)
- Frequently knelt down and prayed.(Acts 7:60, 9:40, 20:36, 21:5)
- Continually moved by the Spirit. (Acts 11:28, 18:5 19:21 Acts 20:22 Acts 21:4)
- Lastly preached. (Acts 5:42,10:42, 14:15, 15:21, 16:6,16:10, 17:3)
Prayer Activation
Lord in Jesus name we pray the Holy Spirit to fill us up with a new level of boldness to speak Your word and for Your Hand to heal others through us. God reveals what victory keys from the Book of Acts will usher in a breakthrough in our personal lives. And show us the action keys needed to discover our position in the body of Christ. Lord make us bold to preach, teach, and speak whether our mission is within our four walls or beyond. Only You can make worldwide revival come through the chaos of 2020. Read also September prophetic word.
Join the Journey of 63 Hours in Hell
An Biblical Fiction about The Three Days Jesus spent in Hell, released by Abundance Books in March 4 2025.
Amen and Amen . May the Lord Jesus come and flood His body with His righteousness, love, shalom and unity first in His Bride, and then may His light shine out to the world around us.. Come and fill,us with Your Holy Spirit oil, and ignite us Father God with Your Passion and love for every one around us.
What a great word this month Susan. May the Lord fill your life with more wisdom and revelation as you share with all of us. Thank you for your heart and the beautiful works of your hands. May God bless you richly!!
Thank you so much for your kinds words. I agree 100% May Jesus flood each one of us with His righteousness, loves and peace, the Holy Spirit anoint us and the Father’s’ love explode in us.
God Bless you Susan!