November 2020 Prophetic, God is Faithful

The November 2020 prophetic word is faithful. God is faithful. After a year like this, maybe God knows you need to hear it. Certainly I do, a few weeks ago when I couldn’t find my dog. Every morning, my fur baby’s soft brown eyes would stare up at me while I crushed her arthritis pill in her breakfast. But she wasn’t around. I called her name.

Shiloh… Silence.

No familiar clickety clack of her nails on our wood floors. My heart raced, as I searched for her. I finally found Shiloh curled up on her favorite rug, having passed peacefully in her sleep. Even though it was shocking, it wasn’t a total shock. God in His faithfulness had warned me, Shiloh wasn’t going to enter into 2021. I just didn’t want to believe it.

Not to mention, in 2020, I’ve lost precious friends and family members and I’m sure you have too. We may have forgotten God’s faithfulness in a year littered with losses.

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.”

Woman holding her hands out on a mountain

Please note starting 4-21 my monthly prophetic words will be shared only with my email subscribers. I’d love to have you join.

Lost Donkeys But Found By God

Saul enters his destiny to be King while searching for his father’s lost donkeys. Although, this journey starts off with a loss and Saul can’t locate the animals. The end result of the donkey search results in Saul connecting with Samuel, the prophet. He anoints Saul to be the first King of Israel. It’s obvious, God’s hand guided Saul into his destiny as these events unfold.

Maybe in 2020 you are numbering your list of losses. But like with Saul donkeys’ our faithful God can turn any loss around, even when it looks impossible.

Let’s Pray

Lord In Jesus name, You are the God of the turnaround. We place our losses in Your faithful hands and ask for beauty for ashes.

The following section will discuss, how God selects David to be the next king. Unfortunately, Saul ends up being rejected by God, on account of not obeying God.

Rejected By Family Accepted By God

David’s story of his being anointed by Samuel is the original “Cinderella story”. Samuel asks to see all of Jesse’s sons. Because God informed Samuel, one of them would be the next king. The seven sons are paraded past Samuel. It frustrates the old prophet because God says no to each one of them. He asks if Jesse has any more sons?

David’s father replies, “There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.”(emphasis mine)

rainbow and son on the sheep for November 2020 Prophetic Word

Certainly, the phrase, “there he is” means David had to be watching the selection process. Like when Cinderella observed her step-sisters squeezing their feet into her glass slipper.

From David’s perch on the hill, he witnessed his brother’s rejected one by one. David’s heart must have leaped, realizing when he saw his brothers trudging up the hill for him. He was the one.

A person holding an accepted sign while others people around have a rejected sign

Or on that destiny day, did God tell David stick close to home, your life is going to be altered. As Samuel’s anointing oil dripped down, his head, David had to feel vindicated. Our faithful God rewarded David for keeping his heart pure, despite his awful family.

Let’s Pray

I pray in Jesus name  that for those of you rejected by your family, you will receive vindication. And while being treated unfairly, God’s grace will keep your heart pure like David.

God is Faithful to Highlight Our Weaknesses

As I studied Saul, I saw how God forecasted his future through the following situation. While Saul and his servant searched for Samuel, they ran into a  woman who told Saul,

“For the people will not eat until he comes, because he must bless the sacrifice.”

These words were like a neon warning because that is exactly what Saul did. later. Impatient Saul was disobedient and didn’t wait for Samuel to perform the sacrifice This was the first step in a pattern of Saul’s  not listening to Samuel and God, resulting in Saul losing his kingdom to David.

Comparatively, David’s rejection from his family haunted him his entire life. David didn’t discipline his own children Consequently, his own son tried to steal the kingdom from David.

God is faithful to point out areas of weaknesses in our own lives, like the Biblical examples from the tale of the two kings. Saul didn’t listen and was impatient, David felt rejected. I know I need to examine things that are happening daily in my own life, especially repeated situations.

Clues in My Own Life

Previously, I asked God to show me the circumstances that caused some of my struggles. If you ask God a question, He is faithful to answer.

God showed me stumbling block, taking me back to the day I accompanied my mom to observe my older brother’s classroom. The teacher asked a question, all his classmates were silent. I blurted out the correct answer. Resulting in praise from the teacher. While chastising her class since a mere kindergartener(me!) knew the answer. Immediately her words puffed me up, triggering my lifelong struggle with the need to be right.

Girl in back of a class answering a question

I’d argue with my family over trivial things, it wasn’t two years ago we had dairy queen ice cream for Christmas, it was last year. No, you’re wrong that actor didn’t play in the movie, it was this one. Our seventh couch was zebra stripped, not black. How I loved proving I was right and everyone else was wrong, despite the hard feelings it caused.

Finally, when I became a Christian, God’s was telling me being right was overrated and my need to be right was causing disunity. I was the one at fault. Ouch. Oh, the bite marks on my tongue the first time I’d forced myself to not say anything when clearly my husband had some timeline wrong. The payoff was peace in our home.

And during November, I sense our faithful Lord will be revealing fleshy areas, because He wants us to be free of anything that is holding us back.

Let’s Pray

Lord, I pray that anyone reading this, remind them of situations or circumstances revealing any weakness’s that are stumbling blocks to their lives. And in love the Lord will hold our hand walking us out of any bondage.

God is Faithful When We are Faithless

Let’s explore Saul’s behavior when Samuel’s about to proclaim the new king in front of all of Israel.

Saul is a no show.

He’s hiding with the equipment.

Even though it was obvious God selected Saul to be king. Saul didn’t believe he was qualified to be king. He looked to himself and not to God. Saul didn’t have faith in God, but God had faith in Saul.

Maybe God’s promises in our lives seem too big for us to handle, too. So we hide behind our safety zone, looking to our limited strength instead of God’s unlimited power. We are all called, God picked you!

King Hiding behind a curtain November 2020 Prophetic Word

The next section will contrast how differently David and Saul acted before their big moments.

David’s Faith

David’s actions are remarkedly  different from Saul’s when David is about to fight Goliath. No longer is Saul hiding behind the equipment, now King Saul is helping David select armor and swords. David rejects Saul’s weapons, armed with his slingshot and carrying his faith in God to face the giant.

David rehearsed his victories, he remembers killing a bear and a lion.

Saul hid probably rehearsing past failures.

David looked to God for victory.

While Saul looked toward his own strength.

Samuel snatched Saul out of the equipment room.

While David marched toward Goliath.

Saul was silent engaged in negative self-talk.

David spoke out his victory.

David Throwing slingshot at Goliath for November 2020 Prophetic word.

God is Faithful to You!

Our Father has equipped each one of us.

May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him.

But that’s not all, God is with us and helping us. (Isaiah 41:10)

If you are a believer, you have Christ in you.(Col 1:27)

The Holy Spirit is teaching you. (John 14:26)

Help from angels. (Psalm 34:7)

November 2020 Prophetic Insights

  • God is Faithful, Believe in the Promises
  • Start of turnaround time
  • For each of our battles God is equipping us.
  • God is exposing areas of our flesh, no more stumbling blocks.
  • Vindication is possible this month


  • Write the promises of God over your life.
  • Speak victory over your life.
  • Ask God to reveal any stumbling blocks in your life and how to overcome them.
  • Ask God to help you stop any negative self-talk.

Pray for Us Presidential Election’s outcome to be a clear winner on Election day and not drawn out.
Update. The reason I asked for this prayer is I had a dream a few weeks ago that showed the word elongated which means drag, draw out, extend, lengthen, stretch. I so didn’t want that to happen so that’s why I asked for prayer. But God is faithful and is in control of this election even when it seems this election is chaotic.

God is Faithful

I may have lost my faithful companion, but God is still faithful. I asked God to show me a sign that my dog Shiloh is in heaven with God.

While I was walking the other dogs, God answered my question in a cloud formation. What do you see??

Dog image in clouds

If you want to know more about how David and the eight ways he strengthen himself in the Lord, see May’s prophetic word. 

A glass goblet shown on fire for spiritual meaning of a burning house in a dream

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An Biblical Fiction about The Three Days Jesus was in Hell, sign up for exclusive updates and follow the twists and turns to publication.


  1. Highly blessed. even it is the word for November .Lord used in April to strengthen me. His word is timeless. Thank you Susan being speaker of life an hope from Father God.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that you were strengthen. God knows how to direct us to find bible verses for lifting us up. And thanks for reminding me about November’s word since I am working about a new blog post about faithfulness. God Bless You!

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