March 2021 Prophetic Surrender to God
The prophetic word for March 2021 is surrender. Surrender always reminds me of waving a white flag and giving up. But surrendering your life to Jesus is the first step in Christianity.
After years of running, I accepted Jesus at a funeral. At first, I thought that was strange, but I realized a part of me died that day sinceI became a new creation in Christ.
I confess it took me awhile to surrender to God. Growing up, my parent taught me, Jesus was a crutch for weak people. Turns out that’s a total lie, it takes strength to surrender your life to Jesus. For the record, God loves each of us unconditionally but everyday I’m discovering little pieces of me that I need to surrender to Him. And the first thing I needed help with was my inner thought life.
Surrender The Mind
When I first became a Christian, I knew I needed my mind renewed. Especially when I came across Romans 8:7, “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law.”
A sobering thought since when I first became a Christian, my mind was fleshly and carnal. Therefore, I became determined to reboot my mind in line with God’s laws.
So what are God’s laws? Jesus informs us what are the two most important commandments/laws.
I knew I had to surrender my mind, focusing on God. And having loving thoughts toward others, including myself.
So, I had to think on what I was thinking about. No longer could I let my mind run amok, no more rehearsing the hurts or rewinding painful events. I forced myself to have fewer thoughts, filling my mind with scriptures/Bible stories, and tried following the bels verse as a guide.
Of course this is an ongoing battle, but my mind is so much clearer than when I first got saved.
Please note starting 4-21 the monthly prophetic word will only be sent to email subscribers.
Surrender The Tongue
I confess, I was oblivious to the fact God prefers thanksgiving rather than hearing my whiny complaints. So I started speaking positive faith-filled words.
I also learned my tongues was a powerful instrument, and through my mouth God wanted me to pray and bless others. And I received a gift from God the Holy Spirit could speak through me if I yield my tongue.
Surrender a Loss
We all lost someone to death. It’s crippling losing a loved one through a tragic loss. Even though we will see our loved one again. We miss their presence and their essence in our lives.
I’ve been grief stricken and allowed the Holy Spirt, my comforter, love me back to life. So part of this healing process is surrendering this loss to God. My mom died before I was a Christian consequently, I blamed God a lot. After I became a Christian, I had to surrender the loss, blame, and any guilt on my part. My mom had cancer and a heart condition. Even though her death was not my fault I blamed myself maybe if she went to a different doctor or I’d torture myself if I spent enough time with my mother.
If you would like bible verses about grief scriptures, I’ve provided a free download.
But sometimes a living person turns their back on us. It’s painful. We have to learn how to let go of that person. And we need to give the betrayal and rejection to God.
It helps me to remember, Judas betrayed Jesus. Eventually, Judas was replaced by Paul, the was true twelfth disciple — Paul. So that friend, spouse or narcissistic boyfriend that abandoned you might just open door to someone handpicked by God.
Surrender Money
Certainly, I could and need to be more generous. Honestly, I have a special needs son and it requires a lot of financial future planning For me it’s a fine line with giving yet holding on to your money for my son’s future needs (sounds like an excuse); I know I need to trust God with providing for my child’s future needs. Obviously, I’m not an expert on tithing in the New Testament, so I found somebody that is.
Surrender Time
Based on tithing principle of ten percent, what would it look if I gave ten percent of my time to the Lord?
Let’s assume 8 hours of sleep, which leave 16 hours or 960 minutes of waking time. So ten percent is 96 minutes, 1.36 minutes an hour or 6 minutes an hour spending time on the Lord, whatever that looks like. It can be —
- praying
- loving those around you,
- serving
- worshipping,
- reading the Bible
- listening to a sermon
- fellowship with other believers
- focusing on the Lord
- journaling
- thankfulness
The list is endless.
I don’t desire to sound legalistic! God doesn’t want us to punch a clock or log a time sheet. Just trying to put time into perspective. God is outside of time and has a unique view of time.
Surrender Fear
With the pandemic, worldwide civil unrest and our personal problems, fear lurks around every corner. Our Father God doesn’t want us to live in fear.
In fact, said, “What I dreaded has happened to me.” 3:25 There is truth to that, when you focus on some fear it seems to spring to life.
It seems the antidote to fear is love. Let God’s perfect love for you to wash over you. Receive His love, you are worthy! God loves you unconditionally, not based on your circumstances. We live in a fallen world, but in the end, we will be with our Father for all eternity. This world we live in now will fade into a distant memory.
“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passes away.” Rev. 21:4.
So in March, I will see what areas I can surrender to God. Whatever I surrender, God will equip me up with whatever He thinks I need. He’s that good!
Lord in Jesus mighty name, Thank you Lord for your salvation and your unconditional love. I pray in Jesus mighty name, that this month You will guide me in the things I need to surrender to you. And Lord help me receive your unconditionally love because it’s reassuring to know You love is not based on my behavior.
The February prophetic word was truth. Lot’s of truths, we had a documentary about the election called Absolute Proof, the Covid nursing home scandal in New York was exposed. Another truth that came out was AOC was not in the capital building, when the rioting took place. I assumed she was. And It came to light about the late, Ravi Zacharias abused woman.
Join the Journey of 63 Hours in Hell
An Biblical Fiction about The Three Days Jesus spent in Hell, released by Abundance Books in January 2025.
This month’s word was packed with many good things to chew on and meditate on! Love your new website look, and your photograph is lovely, Susan. I will be praying for you as JJ goes off to doggie school with your dog. I am sure the Lord will use it for all of our good as you press into His goodness in marching onward and upward in March.
Great way of putting it chewing/meditating, on March’s word because I’ve been doing that as well. Trying to be a good steward of the time the Lord has given me on this earth. Because I personally wasted a lot of time. I’m enjoying the new look of the website as well. Thanks for the compliments and your prayers for JJ.