Free Printable Scripture Writing Plan

.Having a scripture writing plan helps you to strengthen yourself in the God’s word. Knowing the Word of God is an essential weapon in our arsenal against the enemy. In addition, a key to personal transformation is knowing specific Bible verses to grow in and help your Bible study habits. 

Woman writing her scripture writing plan out

What is scripture writing?

Scripture writing is not the writing of scripture as if The Holy Bible Volume 2 is being written at the moment. No,  a scripture writing plan is a creative way of  rewriting and thus memorizing of scripture. In Proverbs 3, Solomon instructs his son to use the writing down of teachings and values as a way of not forgetting them.

1My son, do not forget my teaching,

but keep my commands in your heart,

2for they will prolong your life many years

and bring you peace and prosperity.

3Let love and faithfulness never leave you;

bind them around your neck,

write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 3:1-3

What is a Scripture writing plan?

A Scripture writing plan is where you take a book of the Bible or a theme in the Bible such as salvation or the Kingdom of Heaven and you collect all the scriptures you can for that theme, or you use the selected book. Then from there you plan out which scriptures or verses will be written down on which day. You block that time out in your journal as part of your quiet time with God.

You could have a daily, weekly or a monthly scripture writing plan, or whichever suits the collection of scriptures or selected book.

The 4 P’s of a Scripture Writing plan

  • Plan Which Scriptures/Book To Study
  • Purposely Write Out the Scripture
  • Ponder the Scripture While Writing them out
  • Pray out the scriptures (in your mind or write out your prayers)

Daily scripture writing plan

A daily scripture writing plan is more useful for scriptures that seemingly do not fall into a theme, but you feel it speaks to you on some level. A brilliant way to start off, as a beginner, is to block out your time. 15 minutes should be enough, and then you use a Bible app that has the ability to send daily scriptures. So the scripture your app sends you is the one which you will write out.

Another way, if you are reading the Bible is from your daily reading, write out the scriptures which speak to your heart or encourage you. Besides writing the scriptures out, you can pray over them. Some people use the ACTS or SOAP method of writing out scripture.

Monthly Scripture writing plan

Then there is a monthly scripture writing plan which works very well with a strong theme in the Bible or even to work through a book in the Bible. This plan works very well for those who want to strengthen themselves in certain areas. For instance, if someone struggles with abandonment and rejection, they could compile a list of scriptures where God promises to “never leave nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6) and in writing these scriptures down over a month’s time this person might find that they do not struggle with those same issues. Many times, this is how transformation comes from having a scripture writing plan and being consistent.

What is the purpose of a Scripture Writing Plan?

It is quite simple, the purpose of a Scripture writing plan is a method of scripture engagement to strengthen yourself in the Lord by meditating on his Word. Meditating here is not the eastern sense of meditation, which is essentially the emptying of the mind, but rather a filling up of the mind with the good things of God. What better way to start than by writing down Scriptures  on a daily basis ? After all, “all scripture is God breathed.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

Having a Bible writing plan set out, helps to add Godly structure to our lives and helps us to, even if it is just for 15 minutes a day, set time aside to quiet ourselves and reconnect with our source of strength, our Heavenly Father.

Whether you decide to structure your scripture writing into a daily plan or have a monthly plan where you write scripture, it is all up to you, your time and where you are with God at the moment. The benefits of writing scripture far outweigh our feelings of “I am too busy”. When you make time for God, God will make up the additional time you spend with him  

So, take a moment today to create a plan for writing scripture in order to strengthen your relationship with the Father.  And to continue to know what the Word says so you can experience spiritual growth and protect your mind and spirit against attacks of the enemy.

Free Printable Monthly Scripture Writing Plans

To start off your scripture writing plan, below are 12 free monthly printable scripture writing plans. You can download the entire plan (English version)right now or each one individually below. Or download the Spanish version.

For the full set, including journaling, coloring, screensavers, and word searches, simply subscribe to my newsletter. Each month, you’ll have the set delivered to your inbox, and you can start anytime you like. It’s all for free! Start any time!

Below is 2025 Scripture writing plan, click on the plan for your free instant download. If you would like the plan plus bonuses, of fillable forms, journaling pages, scripture writing plan, coloring pages, word search, phone wallpaper and calendar subscribe to my monthly Spiritual Strides newsletter.

2025 Scripture Writing Plan

January 31 Day Scripture Writing Plan Smash the Idols. Reclaiming God Throne in Your Life
February 2028
March Bible Study Holy Spirit Power
April Scripture Writing Plan Lessons of Jesus
May Scripture Writing Plan But God
June Scripture Writing Plan Spiritual Growth
Scripture Writing Plan Overcoming Worry
August Scripture Writing Plan Overcoming Worry
September Scripture Writing Plan Overcoming Worry
2025 October Scripture Writing Plan Overcoming Worry
2025 November Scripture Writing Plan God's Provision
December Scripture Writing Plan Gifts from Above

More Scripture Writing Plans

If you’d like to make one of these previous plans your study for the month, simply click on the photo to download it. Please note that February’s plan may include an extra day. Here is the entire year for the previous plan download the entire pdf

Bible Plan for January New beginning 31 Bible verses one for each day. It has a carnation on it.
February Heart Reflections Bible Verses on the heart
March Bible Plan 31 Bible verses on Resurrection and Renewal
April Bible Plan 30 Bible Verses on Prayer Power
May Bible Verses 31 Bible verses about not judging
June Bible Verses Heavens Whispers 30 Bible verses hearing from God
July Bible Plan Your purpose 31 days of Bible Verses 31 Bible verawa
August Bible Plan Peaceful Pursuits 31 days of Bible verses
September Bible Plan Harvest of hope 30 Days of Bible verses
October Bible Plan Victory over Evil
November Bible Reading Plan Thankful and Content 30 days each with a bible verse has wild flower on the page
December Bible verses about Christ's birth entitled Savor the Savior

Spanish version for entire 12 months

Sign Up to My Newsletter And as a Bonus Receive The Entire Monthly Reading Plan with Extras delivered every month to your inbox

Why You Should Use a Scripture Writing Plan

The Word of God is likened to a double-edged sword, cutting through the very core of our being, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Having it engraved in our hearts can transform our Christian life. But why should you consider using a scripture writing plan?

1. Deepens Understanding

As you write, you give yourself the opportunity to ponder each word, each phrase, and its meaning. This meditative practice allows the Holy Spirit to reveal deeper truths, insights, and personal applications.

2.Enhances Memory

Multiple studies have shown that the act of writing improves retention. Writing scripture can be a great way to memorize key passages, ensuring they are available for recall during life’s challenges.

3. Provides Focus

In our digital age, distractions are frequent. A scripture writing plan offers a dedicated focus on God’s word, minimizing the risk of skimming or reading without reflection.

4. Cultivates a Habit

Consistency in our walk with Jesus Christ is crucial. Incorporating a daily or monthly scripture writing routine fosters a habit of spending time with God and His word.

5. Promotes Personal Reflection

As you engage with passages of scripture, you have the chance to reflect on how they apply to your life. This fosters a deeper relationship with God as you align your life according to His word.

6. A Journey of Spiritual Growth

The end of the year may find you marveling at the transformation in your life, as you’ve consistently fed on and written out the truths of God’s word.

Start By Downloading My Scripture Writing Plan

I’ve seen firsthand the profound impact of integrating a scripture writing plan into my daily Christian life. The peace of God that comes from immersing oneself in His word is invaluable. I’d love to share this gift with you, I’ve heard first head from my subscribers how this scripture writing plan has sparked transformation.

If you’re looking for a structured, meaningful way to dive deeper into the scriptures, consider downloading my scripture writing plan. Whether you’re engaging with the Bible for the first time or seeking a fresh approach, this plan provides a guided journey through impactful passages.

Avoid the pitfall of sporadic, aimless reading. Harness the power of purposeful scripture engagement. Start a new beginning in your spiritual journey, fortified with the Word, and watch as the Holy Spirit works wonders in your heart and mind.

It’s more than just about writing out scriptures; it’s about anchoring your soul to the timeless truths of God’s word. The Christian life is a journey, and every day is a step closer to Christ. Equip yourself with the scripture writing plan, and may you find solace, strength, and sustenance in the words of our Heavenly Father.

Prayer For Scripture Writing Plan

Father, I thank you for your word. I thank you that I cannot live without it. I thank you that your Word is Spirit breathed and that you have preserved your word for thousands of years. Thank you that you are still speaking to me today through your word and your word is transforming me day by day.

Jesus, thank you that you are the Word and you are Wisdom, I pray that through your Holy Spirit you will guide me and strengthen me with and in my scripture writing plan and I pray that you will speak to me even more. Amen.

Pinterest Pin Woman writing out scripture plan

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